ACCE Horizon 2.0 Shares Trends For The Next Decade
ACCE - the Association of Chamber of Commerce Executives asked delegates at their recent Elevate Conference in Dallas to consider ten trends and forces that will have the most impact on your chamber in the next decade. Specifically, delegates were asked to choose the top 4 most dominant trends. This posting shares the ten trends identified and encourages chamber leaders to explore more of the thought-provoking initiatives of ACCE.
Success For Generations
By understanding the unique traits and preferences of each generation, chamber leaders can tailor services, programs, and communications to better meet the needs of their diverse membership base. This article shares strategies to help chambers attract and engage members from all generations to foster a vibrant and inclusive business community.
Navigating Change in the New Era: Chamber 4.0
Chamber leaders are re-evaluating every aspect of their organization’s existence. This is a good thing. From new business models, to adoption of new technologies such as AI, from initiatives that make chambers more inclusive and diverse to delivering asynchronous learning opportunities for their business communities, change is everywhere. This article presents an approach to help chamber leaders initiate and lead successful change in this brand new era.
Get Stuff Done
A strategy is only as good as its execution. This article outlines the Get Stuff Done Wheel, as introduced in Kim Scott’s book Radical Candor - Be a Kick-Ass Boss Without Losing Your Humanity. Different from the traditional linear Listen-> Decide -> Execute model, the GSD Wheel is comprised of seven steps that cascade upon each other to increase the probability that decisions made by chamber leaders will meet intended outcomes.